Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poll Results

FYI--here are the final poll results for the question "Why Don't You Comment on Blogs."

1 vote for "too busy"
1 vote for "uncomfortable"
1 vote for "I'm a stranger"
1 vote for "other."

2 votes for "I don't think anyone would be interested in what I have to say"
6 votes for "I don't have anything to say."

I appreciate both the voting and the comments on the post about lurking. And especially Sharon, who went to the trouble of setting up a blogger account so that she could comment!

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has/does comment on my blog. I have enjoyed the blogging process far more than I expected; both recording the sweet and funny moments of our family and working through my thoughts in this format. I love having a place to put my pictures and my thoughts together. And while comments aren't necessary to do any of those things, it does make it that much sweeter to know that I've hit the mark, entertained you, or said something that you find helpful or meaningful.

Thanks to the friend who got me thinking about the whole topic. BTW--I happen to think you're pretty amazing, and shouldn't need to ever feel uncomfortable about anything you have to say! ;)


  1. It's nice to feel heard. You do a great job of letting others know they are heard. :)

  2. Great post, great poll . . . very enlightening. By the way, I didn't mean to make you feel paranoid! I thought the way you approached your lurkers was fabulous and interesting and not a guilt trip at all.

    Love your blog!
