Thursday, November 6, 2008

The View from My Window

I know I was whining before about summer being over, but I have to tell you--once I wrap my brain around the fact that fall is here, I just love it. (Really I love every season here in NC--but that's another post!) We were driving home with Josh after school today and I again pointed out some lovely trees. He said "Mom, you sure love trees." And I agreed that yes, I do. Especially when they turn all sorts of gorgeous colors. Like the ones in the back of our house. When I look outside on a day like today I think...I must live in the Garden of Eden!
Please excuse the stitching lines--I made this picture out of 6 separate shots.


  1. Bryan has 'Visual Tour' which can make panorama shots that are seamless. If you want, email me your original pics & I'll have him run it through VT and send it back. :D

    I love autumn colors, too. Our church grounds had gorgeous autumn colors before the leaves all fell.

  2. Megan--I can't find your e-mail address!

  3. I was driving and looking at the trees yesterday (not a smart things to do) and I also noticed just how beautiful this time of year is. I've never known trees like these in my life. The other day Abby said, "Mommy that tree has pink leave, why are they pink." To which I said, "I have no idea, but they are cool." Pink leaves... neat!

    Oh and I wasn't camera bashing in my last comment... honest. I think it's cool that you take so many pictures and get so much out of what is around you.

  4. Wow... that is awesome!

    By the way, don't you love how blogging makes you take like 50 pictures a day? I take so many now on a regular basis, it's crazy. (I took some really neat tree pictures yesterday. I'll have to post them sometime.)

    So, which window was this?


  5. Amy--I can't imagine how much of a change this is from your desert! It must be stunning.

    Cindy Lynn--the pictures are taken from one of the upstairs windows... ;)
