Friday, October 24, 2008

Happiness is...

There are some things that just delight me every time I see them. We've lived in Durham for 13.5 years and I'm still, as my mom would have said, tickled pink by the cows.

These aren't just any cows, though. These cows were pointed out to us soon after we moved here as being something special. These are Belted Galloway cows. Also known as Oreo cows.

We are lucky that there are some fields a few miles away from our house that are often occupied by a herd of cattle, some of which are Oreo cows. Last week on Super (long) Saturday when Russ & I were driving out in the country in search of the loveseat we passed a small field with about 10 cattle in it--and these were all Oreo cows. Including an red/brown Oreo cow, which I've never seen before.

I decided that the cows that we saw last week must have been purebred Belted Galloways. They all had a pretty uniform band of white around their middles. The herd near us, on the other hand, must not be purebred.

As you can see from this picture of napping cows, part of the herd has no markings.

This mingling of cow breeds appears to be a little unpredictable.
For example:

The Diet Oreo cow (this would be the opposite of a double stuffed Oreo.)
I'm not sure what you would call this cow. A Mapped Galloway?
...a Puzzled Galloway?
And then this guy, who gives new meaning to the expression "white-faced."


  1. So happy to find your blog! I enjoyed seeing pics of your cute family at the Fair, of the parts that never get seen in the kitchen (mine looks like that too, with fewer toys), and of course, of the oreo cows. I've seen a number of cows in my days, but none like these ones. Very fun! By the way, locopops is a must visit!

  2. That reminds me of a time when I was little and saw some birds (maybe magpies?). Because of their strange striping, I had to point them out: "Look at the skunk-birds, Dad!"
    It's now a family legend. :D

  3. I really liked the puzzled orea cow. I think we are related!
