Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Frost

We had our first frost this week. The day before I had been driving in town and noticed an abundance of rose bushes along the street. Upon closer examination I found that they were surrounding the parking lot of a local nursing home. In other words: fair game! Jason & I were driving home from someone's house last week and we passed a lovely rose garden in the middle of someone's lawn. He was so afraid that I was going to come to a screeching halt and go trespass all over yet another stranger's yard. I assured him that I had more restraint than that. But not much more.

I decided that I was going to go and take pictures of the nursing home roses the next day. But that night the temperature dipped dramatically, and when I went to see the roses, many of them were damaged by the frost. I found a few to take pictures of but it was powerfully obvious that rose season is over for this year.

What fun I have had. Not just torturing the people who had to see endless rose pictures on my blog. Not just watching Russ squirm and worry that someone was going to call the police on me. (Though that was kind of fun!) I have enjoyed learning more about the settings on my camera, and comparing it to Jason's new camera. I've enjoyed seeing how the different times of day & lighting conditions affect the roses and the pictures. But mostly I've enjoyed taking the time to focus on one rose--to see the beauty in it from all directions. I've enjoyed slowing down moments of my day to really savor one of God's creations.

I will miss the roses.

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