Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I wanted to, but I just couldn’t…

Did you know that last week was this:

screen free

Doesn’t that sound like a great idea?  Sort of, anyway.

I know that often my computer use isn’t balanced, and I thought this would be a great chance to unplug and do some other things.  I wanted my children to think so too.  But when it came right down to it, I just couldn’t do it.  I use my computer all day, every day.  I used it this morning to help with my scripture study.  (I am, as my mother would have said, in love with  I used it to look up some information.  I made my cranky 12 year old go take naps (they are so much nicer now) and while I ate lunch I blogged, which is my journal and therapy all rolled up into one website.  I looked at our family calendar, and communicated with my sister about possible reunion dates.  Later I will look at a recipe on my computer and see if Cook’s Illustrated 6 banana loaf of banana bread really is better.  (Let’s just say that bananas that go on a scout campout and don’t get eaten don’t come back in good enough shape to do anything with other than make banana bread.)  Anyway, my point is that the computer is really integrated into my life and I haven’t had time or truly the inclination to separate myself enough to live without it for a week.

But I am resolved to at least do this.


(I found this here.)

I guess if it did nothing else, screen free week got me thinking about what changes I need to make…and that’s a good start.

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