Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things we love about Oregon (my new sidebar)

So.  I am very stubborn.  (Which may be news to some of you, but I’m sure is not to others.)  I can feel that, although I am trying hard to adjust to Oregon, there is a little part of me that would hold itself aloof and and be unwilling to give in and love it here.  I started a new little sidebar to keep track of the things we find to love here—and there are many things.  Hopefully paying attention to these things will help me to fully embrace what we find here and defeat my dark side once and for all…

or at least for this battle.  Winking smile


  1. I noticed that the other day! Good luck!

  2. Please don't forget to take advantage of all the U-Pick farms that are everywhere out there. You can also get Hood River Pears and bushels of peaches for super cheap! Doug misses the home canned fruit of Oregon and I miss that when I just needed to feel "the good earth" I could find a farm and pick something just minutes from my suburban life.
