Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I’m Proud to be a BYU Alum



Last week, as the entire basketball-watching world is aware, BYU suspended one of their star players—because he admitted to having premarital sex with his girlfriend, which is in violation of the BYU honor code.  The public comments I read were derisive and incredulous.  They ranged from outrage that BYU would attempt to regulate such a personal choice to shock at the idea that anyone believes that it’s possible to choose not to have sex before marriage. 

My friend Lindsay expressed her opinion about the situation very eloquently. 

And, about the comments that are furious about premarital sex being a personal decision: that's just it - we don't believe that premarital sex is as simple as a personal decision...we believe that it has major consequences in the eternal perspective and that those consequences go against everything that BYU is fighting for their students to attain.  Going to class is a personal decision, dating this good boy or that good boy, taking chemistry or child care - - - these are simple personal decisions that will most likely have no eternal consequences, but when the choices start interfering with the eternities, it gets more complicated.


The attitudes of the commentators, on the other hand, were different.  Almost every author expressed admiration for the fact that BYU had placed principle over the possibility of winning the next game.

I join with Philadelphia sportscaster Vai Sikahema, a former NFL return specialist who played for BYU while Russ & I were there.  "Sorry, I'm choking up a bit here," he said,  "It's just hard for me to express just how immensely proud I am of my university."



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