Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Love My REGULAR Life

Isn't that a nice positive post title?  I chose that over other titles I was considering, like

I Hate This Week
Horse Camp is Gonna Kill Me
We'd Starve if We Had to Live This Way Very Long.

But I wanted to try to keep a positive mental attitude, you know.

The girls are going to Horse Camp in North Raleigh this week.  I knew when I bought the groupons for this adventure (aka the big Christmas present) that I'd be doing a lot of driving to accomplish it.  I knew it was the only way we were going to ever be able to afford horse camp x2.  But the reality of it is more tiring than my optimistic brain had expected.  In a few minutes I will leave to drive to Raleigh for the 4th time in 3 days.  Russ has been picking them up in the evening, but that means that I get to pick up Josh from lacrosse practice every evening, and tomorrow from his game an hour away.  It means way more time on the road than I can do and still do things like cook dinner, and the laundry is piling up in the laundry hall of shame.

In the end we'll all be glad this week happened.  The girls are thrilled with riding.  (Pictures to come soon, hopefully.)  Jared is getting to have some fun adventures on his own.  (Harry Potter at the dollar theater is on our schedule for today, thanks to Diana!)  And I'm sure we'll all survive a week of fast food/rotisserie chicken/breakfast for dinner. 

But when it's over I'll be glad to go back to our regular lives, grateful that normal means time to make and eat family dinners, time to fold and put away the laundry, and time to actually sit down and read my scriptures. 

(And that I don't have to gas up the car to do any of those things...)


  1. I feel for you. I do NOT like spending time in the car... well, let me rephrase that, I don't like spending a lot of time in the car. I like 10 minute trips to the store (I find the car is a great place to get a lot of thinking done), and I like family car trips...but just spending as much time in the car as you do seems like it would be, in a word, boring. And who can afford to be bored when, like you said, there is so much to get done! :)

    Hopefully you'll love getting back to normal as much as you're anticipating it!

  2. I look forward to the pictures!

    Sadly your week is my normal. :(
