Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blast From the Past — A Whale of a Temper Tantrum

While we were on our whale watch on Saturday our captain was faced with a lovely dilemma. Whales to the right (starboard???), whales in front...which way to go??? The whale to the right was tail slapping, the whales in the front were a good sized competition pod. The captain decided that the whales in front were closer and therefore a better bet. After all, the tale slapping could stop at any moment, but the competition pod would probably still be...well...competing.

It was probably a good choice. The competition pod was great, we saw a bunch of pectoral fin slapping, some head-butting, etc. But that tail-slapping whale was at it for a long time. I figured he must have been having a temper tantrum about something.

It reminded me of the whale watch trip that Cindy Lynn and I went on. I had forgotten to bring new camera batteries and my batteries were pretty much dead. And then a whale started tail slapping right in front of our boat. I turned on my camera just hoping to be able to take one picture, and the batteries fired up long enough for me to get this short video. It's not very still because of the movement of the boat, but I still love watching it!

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