Friday, March 6, 2009

Apologies and Explanations

How cool is this — here is Jupiter last week from Maui, and Jupiter tonight at Emerald Isle. I'm sure there's a wonderful gospel analogy in there, but I'm still too jet lagged to figure out what it is!

I really like things to be in chronological order. There are books I haven't read again because I would "have" to read all of the books that come before them first. When I scrapbooked I liked my pages to be in order by date. And I would love for my blog to always be chronological. I had fully intended to blog about Hawaii as we experienced it and while the experiences and feelings were fresh in my mind. Obviously that didn't happen. I would love to be able to sit down now and write it all out and get it on the blog--but once again, I find that life just won't stop happening long enough for me to do that. I am so sorry! I'll be blogging about Maui as I can over the next days. (Hopefully not weeks, but that's always a possibility!)

Almost every day on our trip I was reminded of something from our trip to the Big Island in 2005 with our friends, or of Cindy Lynn's senior trip to Maui in 2006. Since this blog is about as much journaling as I'm doing right now, I'm going to record those memories here as well. Consider yourself forewarned... ;)

And both the Maui trip and the memory posts will probably end up mixed in with this beach trip, some things I've been thinking about, and I'm sure some whining about getting back into real life. Isn't that just how life is sometimes???

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