Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blast From the Past — Please Don't Kill a Dolphin!

As I mentioned in my last post, we went on a whale watch trip when we went to the Big Island in 2005.

picture taken by Katie

Our friend Katie has problems with motion sickness, and so she took some Dramamine before we got on the boat. She felt ok as long as the boat was moving through the water. When the boat stopped so that we could watch for whales it rocked a lot and then she felt pretty sick.

One of the times when the boat was stopped one of the girls who worked on the crew walked around and asked if anyone wanted snacks. Katie said that she didn't want anything because she felt sick.

We were all standing at the railing watching for whales when the girl came back and asked Katie how she was doing. Katie told her that she thought she might throw up, and the girl said,
"Try not to let it go overboard, because it can kill a dolphin."
As we compared stories later, the rest of us all heard this and immediately had the same thought.
Vomit can kill dolphins???
From there we had all tried to figure out why on earth vomit would kill dolphins, especially when it would be so diluted by the ocean water. Each of us was baffled.

As we talked about this later Katie started laughing. Apparently we had missed a vital part of the interchange with the crew member. When Katie had told her that she felt like she might throw up, the girl had given her a ziploc baggie to throw up in, should the need arise. She was cautioning Katie not to let the baggie go over the side, because a dolphin might eat it or inhale it or be damaged by it in some way...

We laughed and laughed and laughed.

Alisyn, Katie, Sean, me, & Russ

And for the rest of the trip, whenever anyone wasn't feeling well, we reminded them not to kill a dolphin!


  1. I just want you to know that I ALWAYS knew that the woman was talking about the bag, not the vomit,killing dolphins :)

  2. What a funny story! And I love your Hawaii pictures. I'm a bit jealous. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so I could find your blog! The more blogs, the merrier!
