The other night I had a phone call from a worried little babysitter. Like any good mom would, I hopped in the car and drove across the neighborhood to help her with the fussy baby. As I pulled into the driveway and ran up to the front door I couldn’t help but notice a few things. That this young family has a 3 car garage. That their house is quite a bit bigger than ours. My brain had done all the math before I even realized it.
This is not the first time I’ve made this observation. Not by a long shot. In fact in the last 18 months I’ve probably categorized every house I’ve seen in relation to the size of my house. And not in a pretty way, either.
I’ve realized that I had unconsciously made some assumptions during the last two decades that haven’t proven to be true for us. I had never expected to live in homes as nice as those we owned in North Carolina, but having once lived in them I expected that our house owning trajectory would continue, if not upwards, then at least even. Moving here was not a part of that plan. Moving to a place where we would pay almost $100,000 more for a house almost 50% smaller was nothing I ever expected to experience. After living in a nice roomy house for the last decade having to cram ourselves in here has been hard. And so I compare, and begrudge, and feel guilty. Over and over again.
I wish I could say that this is the only less than admirable quality that has shown up in the last two years, but that wouldn’t be true. The last two years have been like a panorama of all of the mean and spiteful thoughts and feelings inside of me. Feelings that I hadn’t experienced before—not because I was living more righteously, but because the circumstances of my life weren’t provoking them. I have felt more envy in the last two years than in the previous 10—I’ve been jealous of bigger houses, better jobs, available choices, more established social lives, the works. In the last two years I think I’ve felt more anger, resentment, frustration, neediness, and self-pity, than in the last decade. It’s been a lesson to me on how evolved I’m not, and provided continual need for repentance.
But you know, here’s the interesting thing. I started writing this the other night as soon as I got back from the babysitting house, all of the feelings fresh in my mind. I wrote a couple of paragraphs and then stopped because I was tired and ran out of mental energy. Today I was driving down a road near our neighborhood and passed a street filled with really large houses. And for the first time in a year and a half, I noticed them without any emotion and drove on by.
I’m test-driving a new hypothesis today. Could it be that all of these negative emotions that lurked beneath the surface of my satisfying and happy life needed to be exposed, brought into the light so that I could see them and repent (over & over again) of them and maybe even put them to rest for a while? It’s heartening to think tonight that perhaps there is method in this beyond exposing me to all of the darkness that exists inside of me. And to hope that maybe through this pain and discomfort, healing is happening.