Thursday, December 1, 2011

I ♥ Autumn (part 2)

It is always so hard for me to let go of summer, but once I do, I just love Autumn. Realizing this year that this could be our last fall in North Carolina meant that I was watching the beauty around me even more carefully than before. And it was a beautiful season.

I am always entertained by watching the ways the different trees turn colors. Some of them look like they’ve been to the hairdresser to get their tips frosted.


And some of them seem to start turning in the inside instead.


I just love seeing more than one color of leaves in a single tree.


The red and scarlet trees are such a visual spectacle.


Beauty everywhere…


If it was our last autumn in North Carolina, at least it was spectacular!



  1. Oh wow- Those last one's look like fireworks! BTW, I called you yesterday after someone offered me a free STD test on campus, in honor of world aids day:). Rachel gave me your cell phone #, I wrote it down wrong and got a man named Calvin- good thing I realized my mistake before yelling out "Happy Birthday and World Aids Day!"

    So, Happy Birthday:).
