Sunday, December 26, 2010


I haven’t been paying much attention to the news recently, so when someone mentioned earlier in the week that we might have snow for Christmas I was surprised.  Surprised and skeptical.  After all, we’ve already had snow twice this year, and it’s still December. 

But I did think a white Christmas would be lovely.


It turns out that a white Boxing Day is also lovely. (And that I am enjoying the new camera.)

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We are church-going folk.  We never miss a Sunday.  But I must confess, having church cancelled because of the snow was so exciting!  We spent our morning appreciating God’s creations.  Especially his creation of hills and snow and the combination thereof.

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We love sledding!  Today’s snow was interesting, though.  The sled that is normally the least fun (the boogie board sled) was actually the most fun today.  And the sleds that are normally more fun weren’t good at all.  We had to be careful of where we walked back up the hill because all of the snow came off very easily.  But once we figured out how to make things work, it was great.

Except when the snow all ended up in my lap—chilly!

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Jason and Josh hauled a bunch of snow up to the bottom and made a little jump.  I was kind of worried that they would break something (or someone) but fortunately everyone was ok.  They seemed to enjoy it.

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Finally we were all cold and ready for some hot chocolate.  What a fun morning!

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  1. Similar story here, except with a little less snow. And much less enthusiasm on my part- somehow I'm way more into the hot chocolate than the getting cold part!

  2. We had a great sabbath snow day here as well - I can't believe how much snow we've had this winter already!
