Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Proud Mama Moments

I know that Jason is going off to college in the fall.  I waited with him to hear about college acceptances and scholarships; I’ve bought the tickets to take him, and I hear regular comments from the 4 younger kids about how the rooms will be re-divided when Jason leaves.

But last week we had two events that were bittersweet reminders that our family life is moving inexorably towards a new phase.

May 2010 748 (yes—it was a bad hair day!)

First, on Wednesday Jason had his Eagle court of honor.  The scout master and Russ both emphasized the fact that Jason really deserved this Eagle award because he earned his Eagle on his own.  We provided logistical support (rides) but he did everything else himself.  (Russ already has an Eagle, I don’t need one.)

May 2010 761

Great job Jason!!

May 2010 764

Then on Sunday night we went to Seminary graduation.  Cindy Lynn’s last couple of years of seminary were complicated by her health problems, so this was our first experience with 4 years of regular early-morning seminary and seminary graduation.  I was unprepared for the lump I felt in my throat as I watched my son walk in with the line of seminary graduates.

I myself am a graduate of early morning seminary, but our seminary class was held in homes that were near my own.  I’m so proud of Jason’s commitment to seminary that hasn’t wavered, even though it meant that he had to get up at 5AM and drive 20 minutes to get there. 

May 2010 848 (I’m not sure if it was a proud moment when I walked into the room where they were trying to take a picture of all the seminary graduates and this is what I saw…)


The last proud mama moment won’t be for a while yet—Jason’s graduation ceremony will be on the beach in August.  But I know I am already feeling the change that is coming in our family. 

Another ending, and another beginning. 


  1. Oh man - I had not realized that Jason's graduation ceremony was going to be at the beach this year..... now I really, REALLY hope that we can make it!!!!!!!

  2. So sweet! You are the best mom!

  3. OK, that made me tear up. What are we going to do without Jason stories next year? :)Mickie always has something funny to say. You two did a good job!

  4. Congratulations on all those accomplishments, Jason!

  5. Congrats to Jason...what a big accomplishment!
