Friday, May 8, 2009

Handwriting Blues

Last Saturday I spoke at a primary leadership meeting about reverence. I wanted to start with a particular song, and so I wrote the words onto the chalkboard. One of the women there made a comment about how straight my lines of writing were, and I joked with her that I may not have gotten much out of college, but I can write on a chalkboard perfectly.

It's true--to get a degree in elementary education I had to learn to write on a chalkboard. I had to be tested on my ability to write on a chalkboard. It's a skill I still possess.

Writing on a chalkboard must use different muscles than writing on paper. My ability to write neatly on paper has declined as my computer use has increased over the last 15 years. Those unused muscles start screaming if I write more than a line or two of text, and I always worry that I will not be able to write legibly long enough to write a message on a birthday card.

Perhaps I should start communicating by chalkboard...


  1. Wow, seriously? I'm so jealous. I can't write straight on a chalkboard to save my life!

  2. I'd communicate with you by chalk board. Although once I move it will get expensive to ship them back and forth, and the older I get, we risk that by the time I get it from you I will forget what I wrote. And we will be limited in our words since the chalkboard won't be too big. But if you want to...

  3. Amy, I don't think I can handle forgetting what was written--I need that quote back at the bottom of my e-mails! ;)

  4. Wow- I had no idea your degree was in elementary ed. That's a dream of mine for someday. Now I can get a jump start on my chalkboard writing skills!
