Saturday, April 4, 2009

Housten: We Have a Reader!

I love to read. Love it. Many of my child memories involve reading — reading Little Women for the first time, reading instead of working on math in 2nd grade, borrowing a Nancy Drew from a neighbor and having to pay for a new copy after my brother nicked the nice new cover with a knife, reading up in a tree. I wish there was more time in my adult life for reading, and from time to time I just ignore everything and have a reading marathon. (Like my recent dalliance with Dick Francis!)

We've always read a lot to our kids and expected that when they learned how to read they would also love to read. When Cindy Lynn learned to read I was disappointed to realize that knowing how to read didn't mean that she wanted to read. Sure, she loved to have me read to her. But read on her own? Nah.

And then, much to my relief, it happened. Almost like magic. Suddenly she was a Reader. At 7 1/2 she discovered the magic of independent reading and she was off. Harry Potter did that for Jason when he was 8, and for Josh at about the same age. And for Cindy Lynn and Jason, the worry changed from not enough reading to how to keep them from reading too much!

We started school later with the triplets because of the combination of their extreme prematurity and late summer birthday. I have always been a relaxed homeschooler, and with these guys I've gone even more slowly. At the same time I've been watching for those first signs of independent reading. Of wanting to read for pleasure and not just for duty. And in the last month it has happened with Jenna. Hooray for Junie B. Jones!


  1. Congratulations!! I too am a reader, & I love watching my children enjoy books. I look forward to seeing pictures of the other two once they've caught the 'reading for pleasure' bug!

  2. It was amazing to me the first time Abby had that click (it was almost audible) in her brain that told me she knew how to read. I can't wait for her to love it as much as I do. Of course, I should probably balance my life more and put books down once in a while so she doesn't come to resent reading.
