Sunday, April 5, 2009

General Conference Confessions

Ah...Conference weekend. There are so many thing to love about General Conference that it's hard to know where to begin. Eight hours of beautiful music and inspiring talks. A day "off" from church. Church in my pajamas. What's not to like?

But my favorite thing about General Conference is what I can get done while I'm watching and/or listening. I'm not very good at sitting still and listening without doing something. And so today while I watched and listened I dealt with a part of my house that's been driving my crazy for months. The bookshelves.

From the moment we saw this house we fell in love with the bookshelves. There are a lot of them and we have a lot of books. It was a match made in book heaven. Beneath the shelves are cabinets and they seemed like the ideal place to store our ever growing collection of games. The only problem is when too many thing haven't been put back in the right place for too long — then the bookshelves just make me crazy. Things were bad when this picture was taken in January.

Things got worse when we took a laundry basket full of games to the beach in March and just stacked them on the cabinets instead of putting them back in the cabinets. No matter how clean the family room was, it still looked messy because the shelves were such a mess.

No longer.

During the Sunday morning session of conference I sorted and alphabetized and put away and even put some books in the discard pile. The end result is soothing to my soul.

I even have a stack of books that are just for my little readers.

And a box of books to read through to decide whether or not they're keepers.

I'm not very good at getting rid of books, but I can tell you right now that "Somewhere in Time" is definitely going. Any takers???


  1. Ahem... who was it who originally alphabetized your books, hm??


  2. It absolutely was you, dear! I was just hoping that you'd do it again while you were home! ;)

  3. I love those bookshelves. Sad to say, too many of my books are in storage right now, waiting for the day when we have a bigger house w/ lovely built-in shelves like those. {sigh} Congratulations on your accomplishment! :)

  4. I will not tell my friend Kate that you said that- as a lover of the movie version of "Somewhere in Time", she would hunt you down!

  5. Megan--the shelves are SO wonderful. One of my very dearest friends wanted to know if we had to put quite so many books on them--couldn't the just be more decorative? I just laughed...

    Katie--does your friend want a book???

  6. Just dropping by for the first time, and I LOVE your bookshelves. I might buy the house just for those. :)
