Monday, September 29, 2008

Through the Lens of Time

I used to tell people that the reason I loved to scrapbook was this--that I loved looking at and working with pictures of my kids without all of the stress of the actual event. Take a trip to the zoo--without heat, or sore feet, or whining! There's a lot to be said for that!

In no part of my life is this more true than the years between 2000 and 2004. I remember very little of what actually happened during those years. Obviously I had a baby or three at some point, and we moved into a new house somewhere in there as well. (Don't worry--I actually do remember when those two things happened. It's all of the other events that I'm a little fuzzy about!)

But when I look at pictures from that time period--of those three precious babies, and of the my three other young children--my heart melts.

I feel a pang of guilt. How is it that I did not enjoy these beautiful children more?

But then I remember....Oh yes. The lens of time is a soft focus lens. It conveniently makes no mention of things like sleep deprivation, endless biting, terrible twos times three, or a number of other overwhelming stages that we experienced.

I'm glad I can enjoy it all so much from my comfortable vantage point in 2008--and that I have a lot of pictures!


  1. that one picture of one kid stepping on another kid?

  2. Sean--that is a picture of one of the kids having climbed into the bottom of the exersaucer while the other kid was sitting in it. Fortunately for the bottom kid, the top kid wasn't tall enough to actually stand on her... ;)

  3. It's a funny picture either way.

  4. Sean--having 3 babies the same age provided many funny experiences once they got a little bit mobile. Too bad I can't remember most of them... ;)

  5. I grew up in a family of two boys - my brother and I - so I have a hard time imagining three kids, let alone three at one time in addition to the others you already had. I'm sure you have had several funny adventures. Maybe, when I get married, I will be fortunate enough to get my bride pregnant with triplets. That would be awesome!

  6. Oh, have mercy on your future bride, Sean! It's not an experience that I really recommend!

    (And it took a great deal of medical...intervention, shall we say?)

  7. What a fun way to think about your pictures! All the joy with no inconvenience!
