Thursday, September 25, 2008

Buyers Remorse

Why is the day after a new haircut always SO BAD???


  1. For me it's because it's the first time I am doing my own hair with the new style/length. Of course it always looks great on the same day the hairstylist did it. :D

  2. This is always the day I always end up cutting my own hair. Which really ticks off my stylist. I should ahve more restraint!!!! But after I mess with it I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, even if I look worse, which I probably do, but I don't think I do!

    But from a scientific standpoint, which I am not a scientist. Cutting your hair actually shocks your hair, so it will not act the same for a couple of days.

    I know it doesn't seem like this should be so because hair is dead, but I really did read it somewhere.

  3. my hair is in shock? It probably needs a long nap and some chocolate, I'm sure...(too bad about that no sugar thing!)
