Thursday, June 10, 2010

GREEN Smoothies

I freaked out the little kids this morning with a smoothie that was actually (VERY) green.

June 2010 300 I assured them that it would still taste good, and it did.  In fact, it was fabulous.  But what else would you expect, when the extra ingredients were 2 fresh oranges, fresh pineapple, a fresh mango, and a few frozen peach pieces??


  1. I love them! Sometimes I don't make them because I think they take too much time or are messy, but they are so quick! I love that they are different every time also.

  2. Jeannie--I don't make them on days when I have to leave before 9--there's just not enough time. But the rest of the time if I'm in a hurry I just use all frozen fruit from costco, and it's pretty quick! I think we're all addicted now...

  3. Yum! That is prettier than the actual GREEN smoothies I have made... which have carrots in them and so turn a really NASTY shade of green!
