Monday, June 28, 2010

Braces: Take 2

Last week the long awaited day came.  It was time for my braces to come off…


The day didn’t start too auspiciously.  I burned several fingers on the flat-iron right as I was getting ready to leave.  It hurt so bad, and I wasn’t sure what to do.  Then I remembered that my sister Laila had posted one her blog several weeks ago about using mustard on a burn.  I figured I had nothing to lose, and so I squirted some mustard on my fingers, wrapped a paper towel around them, and headed for the orthodontist.  I was so happy that after a minute or two the burn really did feel better with the mustard on it.

Once there they popped the brackets off of my top teeth, made a mold so that they could make a new retainer, and offered to throw away the paper towel I was holding.  I finally did throw it away, but not until it had been on for over an hour.

I was surprised (I’m not sure why) to see that my fingers were stained by the mustard!  Totally worth it, though.

June 2010 868

Then they took all sorts of pictures of my teeth.  These are the pictures they keep in their files, and they make you hold all sorts of implements of torture to get your lips out of the way so that they can get the perfect shot.  I was sure it must look ridiculous, so I pulled out the purse cam.

June 2010 865

I want you to know that the orthodontist said that I have one of the smallest mouths he’s ever seen.  So that picture must be some kind of an optical illusion!

I was so happy to look in the mirror at my straight teeth again.  I’d forgotten how great they looked. 

Watson reunion 001 

Hopefully this time the braces are off for good…


  1. Maybe THAT'S why you looked so resplendent on Sunday! The outfit was cute too though:). I hate having a small mouth at the dentist- no fun!

  2. Congratulations again! =) I love, LOVE that you used the purse cam to get that mouth shot!

  3. You look great! Now that I know the evilness of re-moving teeth, I'd almost want to get them all straightened back out again and be more diligent in keeping them that way!

  4. Looks great! One half of our family has really small mouths and one have big ones...guess which ones???? haha. No hidden meaning!

  5. Katie--you're too sweet!

    Megan--I should have pulled it out earlier, when I was having to pull my lips to the side--had to be strange looking!

    Lindsay--Yeah, let's hear it for diligent. And for retainers not breaking this time.

