Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In Search of the Provident Pantry

I'm not sure where I was when the church announced the shift from accumulating a year's food storage to "a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet...gradually increasing your supply until it is sufficient for three months." Somehow I missed it, though, and this fall one of my goals is to make a 2 week (and eventually a 4 week) menu that can be used to figure out what exactly I would need to buy to achieve this.

One of the first things I realized as I started thinking about this last spring is that most of the food we eat is fresh or frozen--and storing three months of that is impossible. So I started looking for recipes that we already like that could be adapted by using canned or freeze-dried foods instead of fresh or frozen.

I'm going to keep track of my recipes here on my blog, where the rest of my brain already resides. At some point I'll also embed a spreadsheet to tell me what I will need to buy to have this 3 month's supply. All of this is of course for my benefit. But maybe you'll see some good, storage-able recipes that your family would like too!


  1. Woah-- so they don't say the year's storage anymore???

  2. Evidently you & I were under the same rock when all of this was being announced! (Whenever that was.) You can read about it here: http://providentliving.org/channel/0,11677,1706-1,00.html

  3. Wow! Well then. I feel a lot better about my food storage situation now!!! I'm sure we have enough cans under our bed to last us about 3 months.............. if we are okay living off of tomato sauce and chicken noodle soup. ;)
    (Just kidding, we do have more than that, though it is really time for me to dig it all out and see what needs to be "replenished"!)

  4. Can't wait to see your recipes! There's a spreadsheet template at: http://foodstoragemadeeasy.net/babysteps/step-3-three-months-of-normal-food/ if your heart isn't set on creating your own. =)

  5. Megan--that looks terrific--what a great link!

  6. Sounds good! I think I have a different interpretation of the statement...a 3 month supply, and then begin to work on storing a years supply of food 'basics'....
