Friday, November 13, 2009

11/13: I Heard it Right

Tonight when the baptism started I had a moment of panic. Right about when the man conducting the meeting announced that I would be giving a talk on baptism.

You see, I had prepared a talk on the Holy Ghost.

I had thought about it a lot. I prayed all week to be able to do a good job. I had props to help make the intangible idea of the Holy Ghost more understandable to an 8 year old boy.

I looked at the printed program, and sure enough, my name was beside the words "Talk on Baptism." And farther down the page there was a different name after the words "Talk on the Holy Ghost." All I could think was "Did two people prepare talks on the Holy Ghost?"

But then the young man in front of me turned around. "Did they ask you to speak about the Holy Ghost?" As I nodded yes he continued, "Because they asked me to speak on baptism."

What a relief!


  1. Yeah- sorry about that! That's what happens when two sleep deprived people try to put together a program really late at night:). And thanks again so, so much for your talk- it was amazing (and Eric told me later that he really was cold, so he liked having the blanket:)

  2. In the true church, there is apparently a new rule - no talks Whatsoever. No kidding. YOu go, sing a song, say a prayer, do a baptism, sing a song and go home. Hmm, the last one was quick and EASY!!!

  3. Katie--now I am LOL about it. In the moment I did feel a bit of panic, though! And I'm glad that Eric enjoyed holding the blanket. I hoped it would be a good association rather than something that seemed weird.

    Andra--That is so bizarre! No talk at all? Well I guess that's a way to move through a lot of baptisms at once!

  4. Whew! I'm relieved for you! I'm glad it turned out so well.
