Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sweet Validation

I was just listening to an interview online with Sister Julie Beck and her daughters.  Apparently at some point the producer asked them what their favorite family activity was, and they all said (without hesitation) that it was breakfast with books. 

Sister Beck explained that she loved reading herself and she really wanted her kids to love to read, and so she let them bring a book to the breakfast table on Saturday mornings.

Then one of the daughters went on to say that she really didn’t know how to eat without a book!  She said that occasionally now she and her husband will tell their family that they’re having a “reading dinner” (which usually means her husband needs some peace and quiet)  and all 7 of their children will run and grab their books.  Their youngest children read the Friend magazine because it doesn’t matter if they spill on that.


I love it.  Because not only do I read in the bathtub, I read while I eat.  Not if I’m eating with my family—I draw the line there.  (For me and for anyone eating at a table with me.)  But if I’m eating breakfast by myself—grab the book!  And I think we’re going to start having some breakfasts with books!!


PS—I must tell you quickly about the fun book I just read.  It was one I just grabbed off a shelf, and you know what a dangerous practice that can be.  But this one was great—nothing (NOTHING!) objectionable, and a fun murder mystery.  It’s called “The Sudoku Murder.”

PPS—I cannot spell Sudoku.  Took me 3 tries…

1 comment:

  1. Ok - I am totally going to do that in my family! ;) Saturday morning breakfast with books. I love it!
