Friday, October 14, 2011

Utah 2011—The Great Kansas Mystery

One of the things that is interesting when driving across Kansas is that you can occasionally see amazing church steeples in the distance.  I don’t know a thing about the history of Kansas, but I am curious to know what religious culture shaped this area.  We’ve driven several times past a sign advertising the “cathedral of the plains” which of course only adds to my curiosity.

While we were driving this summer I decided that we needed to get some post card stamps.  I immediately called my navigational assistant and asked him where we could find the nearest post office.  After a few minutes he called me back and told me to get off at the next exit and drive into the town.  Since I was already curious about the town (and it’s church that was visible for miles) I was more than happy to do that.

June 2011 607

Except, well, there hardly was a town.

Seriously.  What I finally found was three or four paved streets, crossed by three or four gravel streets.  You would think I could have found the post office right away, given the size of the town, but it eluded me.  Perhaps because I wasn’t expecting it would look like this.  The only way I finally found it was to look for the flag…

June 2011 616

And then I drove to the edge of town to see this.

June 2011 615

I’m still shaking my head.  What on earth?  What would such a tiny town, seriously in the middle of nowhere (even if it was near the interstate there was nothing else remotely near it) need with an edifice like this???

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