Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year’s Resolution #25

With my new calling comes more time alone in my car.  Now if you’ve ever driven far with 3 -10 year olds and 2 -8 year olds in the back of a minivan (I do this for 2+ hours once or twice a month) you’d understand that I actually like time alone in my car.  But this is a lot of time and I want to make it useful.  So my goal is to not only have appropriate Sabbath music with me when I’m going to another ward on Sunday, but also to have talks on cd or my mp3 player to listen to so that my driving time is edifying.

And to get all of that arranged early enough so that it doesn’t make me late for church like it did today!!


This morning I realized I didn’t have anything to listen to on my drive to Chapel Hill, so I quickly logged onto the byu talks website and downloaded the first thing I saw.  It happened to be a CES fireside by Elder Bednar from 2 years ago, and as I listened on my way to and from Chapel Hill I knew that this talk was divine intervention in my life in this moment.  We have been struggling to figure out what appropriate limits are for Josh and the xbox.  (Funny—since I felt prompted by the spirit that buying the xbox was the right thing to do, I kind of assumed that we wouldn’t have these kinds of problems with it!  Silly me…)  Anyway, the talk was tremendously helpful to me in clarifying my concerns.  Tonight we put the little kids in bed and had a family home evening just with me, Russ, and Josh.  We watched the fireside together and took notes on the things that stood out to us.  Afterwards we talked about what we felt the spirit had been telling us we needed to work on, and what we felt the spirit telling us to help us with the xbox dilemma.  Josh wasn’t happy about it (and why would he be?) but I feel like we were able to have an important and positive conversation.  And my hands are sore from rubbing his back the whole time so that he would know that no matter what I was saying, I love him.  Anyway, I was grateful for that talk just being the one I saw and being the one I needed in this moment.  I love it when I can see the hand of the Lord so clearly…


  1. Was the the one where Elder Bednar talked about facebook and video games distracting us from the proper use of our bodies? (Or whatever...)

  2. I love it when that sort of thing happens - - - we've been having similar issues over here with the Wii, though our kids are small enough that they don't really argue when I say it's time to turn it off. Good luck!
