Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Year’s Resolution #2


For heaven’s sake, eat more fruits and vegetables!


When I was on the hcg diet in the fall I was allowed 2 servings of fruit a day (out of a list of 4 fruits) and 2 servings of vegetables a day.  (Out of a list of about 8.)  I tell you what, fruit has NEVER tasted so good.  Every day I ate that apple and it was one of the highlights of my day.  Same thing with the orange.  I LOVE fruit.  But in my day to day life I sometimes just forget to eat it.  When we’re having green smoothies I get plenty of fruit, but otherwise when I’m hungry I’ll just get lazy and grab something easy, something that doesn’t have to be cut or peeled, or whatever. 

It also made me realize how lax I’ve become about serving vegetables to my family.  If we had the big box of salad from costco then we had a vegetable with dinner.  If not, nothing.  Now on the one hand I can rationalize that if I’m serving dinner at all, that’s awesome.  But I want to do better.  I actually really like a lot of different vegetables, and I want my kids to both like them and to benefit from a better diet.  So I’m trying to reform.

I haven’t quite figured out how, though…except that maybe after I do my shopping and buy the vegetables that are available I need to pencil them in on my menu…I’ll let you know how it works!!


  1. I've been incorporating lots of vegetables into our meals, since I too struggle with veggie side dishes. One tip that's working for me is when a recipe (for soup, say) calls for veggies, I double the amount. Let me know what strategies end up working for you guys!

  2. Getting enough fruits and vegetables is a daily struggle in our house. I would eat a wide variety and Nate might too, but the kids... forget about it. I hope this works for you guys!

  3. It's always a challenge. L would eat any of them...I'm better than I used to be, B...a few here and there. And, I know it's IMPORTANT. It's goofy that it seems so hard. Stir fry and salads seem to work the best here. But, lots of prep work!! Good luck!

  4. Do you have a menu plan? My strategy is that I put 2 veggies on each menu. My problem is that I usually forget to get veggies going when I start the rest of the meal, so usually we are ready to eat and don't have time to wait for veggies (esp. if it's something that takes longer than 2 minutes!). If it's on my menu plan, then I usually am better about remembering. I'm trying to have 2 different veggies with each dinner, since we don't do salad anymore because I can't eat it. Also, I have a few backup veggies that only take a few minutes in the microwave, so if I forget to start a longer-cooking one I will usually pop in broccoli or peas and steam them for 2 minutes and at least we have something green with our meal!

    (Something yummy though - last night I sauteed cauliflower and squash with salt and pepper in EVOO. It was to die for!!! Mahon didn't love it because he doesn't love cauliflower, but he's good about eating the veggies I make because he knows they are good for him...)
