Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You just can’t make these things up…

Last night for family night I decided to talk about  my recent insights about the 5th Chapter of Nephi.  Using our trusty whiteboard we first listed all of the hard things that happened to Nephi & his family as a result of the Lord’s command that they go and get the plates.


Then we listed the hard things that are currently happening in our lives.


Russ pointed out that, like Nephi’s family, we are having to leave our home and travel far away.  We talked about a few more similarities. 

And then Jenna said

And dad moving this week is like Nephi cutting off Laban’s head!

Um…yeah…that was exactly my point…


  1. LOL!!!

    By the way, I just love you guys so much... words can't express how much I love that "leaving the warm ocean" made the list. ;) Because that is a REAL hardship!
