Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love Songs

I was dreaming of getting married when I woke; a dream bearing no resemblance to my own wedding, but instead an amalgam of people and places from my life since then. 

Later, remnants of the dream still lingering in my mind, I listened to a radio show counting down the top hits of the week.  Before playing the #1 song of the week the show’s host mentioned a list of songs that have been “wedding hits.”  Immediately the Lady Antebellum song “Need You Now,” which had been playing a few minutes before, popped into my mind.  It made me laugh to think of those lyrics being sung at a wedding:

It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk
And I need you now


Nothing like a little drunken neediness to say I love you, is there??


As I kept listening the host ran though the list of recent wedding hits.  Taylor Swift and “Love Story,” of course.  “You and Me” by Lighthouse.  Oddly enough, Edwin McCain’s “I’ll Be.”  I love this song, it is beautiful and nostalgic.  But what on earth does it mean??? 

I’ll be love’s suicide…

Just as glad not to have had that song at my wedding!  (Or any song, but that is a topic for another post…)


And then it was time for the #1 hit of the week, a new song by Train called “Marry Me,” predicted to be the #1 wedding song of 2011.  I first heard this song a few weeks ago, and was charmed by the lyrics.  As I listened to them again I thought that some of them are very true for me.  Sunday we will celebrate our 24th anniversary.  Two dozen years together, a number that I could not even fathom 24 years ago and yet has passed more quickly than I could ever have imagined.  So today I want to say

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you

Happy Anniversary Russ, and here’s to the rest of forever together!

April 2011 101

PS—you do look distinguished!


  1. It really bothered my kids that the first song said "I'm a little drunk", so we change it up a little, because we really love the tune to that song.

    Around here we sing "it's a quarter after one, and I'm locked in the trunk, and I need you now...."

    Much better!!!

  2. Aw. When separated by 2500 miles I am able to appreciate the sweetness of this.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I like that song too, and am forever comparing my life to song lyrics on the radio:).

  4. Andra - I am LOLing at your new lyrics!

    Mom - I went and watched the music video for the "Marry Me" song - so sweet? Have you seen the video? The first few minutes almost made me cry....

  5. Sweet and lovely picture of you two! Happy Anniversary!

  6. OK, so I have gray hair! I'm not really that old.

    Happy Anniversary sweetie pie hunny bun baby doll. :) Forever is looking pretty good.
