Friday, June 7, 2013

What I’m Reading

The other night while we were laying in bed talking Russ was telling me about something he’d heard in a meeting that day.  I was so excited by what he told me that I had to sit straight up and tell him tell him that I had just read that in a book.  “Your speaker must be reading the same things I am!” I exclaimed.

Russ was quiet for a few seconds.  Then he said, “you know, sometimes the things you read worry me.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about.  Winking smile


(Ok.  So maybe that selection does look a little scary.  But really, no need to be worried about me.  It’s just things that I’m interested in, more than things I’m having problems with.  Big difference…)


  1. Oh, how I miss our book discussions...

  2. Oh, how is that Happiness is a Choice book? Brian and I have been having interesting conversations about that lately...

  3. My books are usually FANTASY/YOUNG ADULT, with a history book thrown in and once in a while a self-help. :) Maybe that would scare him more.:)
