Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Hate Politics


During the 2008 election cycle we were at the beach when a presidential debate was broadcast.  Someone turned on the tv to watch, but after just a few minutes I left the living room and went somewhere else.  So much animosity, so much ridicule, (subtle or not), so much posturing to make one’s own point—all of it made my stomach hurt.


I am so ready for this election to be over.  I almost don’t even care who wins at this point.  I’ve learned over the last 12 years that the president actually has a limited amount of power.  In this era of uber-partisianship he has even less power than ever before, especially if the members of the opposing party are determined to block him at any and every turn.


I pulled up a browser just now and this is the first headline that popped up.

Romney ridicules Obama on ‘change’ remark.

That’s all the news is, all day every day, as the candidates criss-cross the country bad-mouthing each other.


I’m sure that Mitt Romney is a good guy.  I’m actually certain of it—that he is a kind and compassionate man, and a loving husband, father, and leader.  But the politics of our country distort people, make them pander to the most extreme elements of our society, make otherwise nice and decent people spend their time saying as many bad things as they can about the other guy.

And the other guy?  I actually think Barak Obama is a good guy too.  He seems like a decent husband and father, especially considering the life he’s chosen.  Anyone who could put up with the insults and abuses that have been thrown at him for the last 4 (really 6) years is a much stronger person than I.  I may not appreciate all of his policies, but I appreciate his concern for the less fortunate, for those who weren’t born with all of the advantages that Russ & I were born with.  And I appreciate the huge benefits that his health care policy is bringing to my daughter’s life every day.


I have no idea why anyone—ANYONE—would EVER decide to run for president.  My personal philosophy is that someone who’s dumb enough to run is suspect enough right there that I shouldn’t vote for him, and that any person we really would want as president is too smart to run.  (Colin Powell, anyone?)  But regardless, I want it to be over.  I want people to stop talking trash about other people because of what they believe.  I want them to remember that in this country we are so blessed to have agency to choose what we believe and to choose how we vote, but that neither of those rights absolve us of the directive to love our fellow man. 

I know, I know.  I haven’t changed at all since those long ago days on the playground.  I just want people to play nice…


  1. Amen!!!!!!!! I'm really sick of it. Only I know that it will take a few months AFTER the election for all the crazy talk to die down... ugh. I've been admittedly awfully tempted to go do something like... get a manicure during the election day. (Name that reference!) ;) Oh, and as we've been watching West Wing lately, literally EVERY episode (several times usually!) I say "I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT A POLITICIAN!!!"

  2. I may be nuts, but I kind of love it. Not that I'm at all educated about the different policy proposals/political issues- and I will flat out tell you that I'm voting for Obama because I just like him better- no intelligent reason. I didn't even watch the conventions (though I did watch Michelle's speech- I love her and her awesome arm muscles!), and I may not watch the debates, but I love the excitement that surrounds it and the kind of "festive" feeling in the air around election time. When I got my CA license, I almost checked the box for mail-in registration, but I decided that I love going to the polls with my kids too much. I don't know, I'm weird that way!

    Now that I'm thinking of it, maybe it's BECAUSE we don't have TV and I'm not exposed to much of the negative stuff that I think it's fun...

  3. Interesting post. And, Katie's thoughts, too! It actually makes me sad, to see what it devolves into and, I wonder if the/any candidates could actually just SAY what THEY want to do and HOW...could you actually win? Would no one report it because it wasn't "news"? Are we all about contention and it's just words about working "together"? And, I agree with you about "just getting along"...John Lennons' song keeps popping into my head! Makes me wonder how we can ever have peace in the world.

  4. Katie, that must be because you don't live in Idaho or utah! ;) LOL... you don't have to watch the news here or stay informed of things (I don't) to be in for an awful lot of hate talk.

  5. I have been more out spoken this time. I am not usually this bad BUT Obama and the past four years have scared the heavens out of me. NO really. The whole mess does. How much things have gone down in 4 years and the fight against Christianity... I want a president who is honest about his beliefs in God. Even if he said he was Muslim or didn't believe in God I would feel safer with honesty. While I think there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, I do see the end times coming where we, who speak of God, are condemned and it is scary to see the changes as they are coming. I think Obama helps that. I want less control in my life from the government. I could go on. Do I love Mitt? He is a better choice but I never ever really look at the candidates and think anyone walks on water. I just think there are lesser evils. That said I will be so happy when my blood can stop boiling with all the lies out there on both sides. Oh and this isn't even the local stuff yet. Grrrrr. There will come a point where the tv just has to go off. Lucky for me KK is determined to listen to kids songs in the car, many are the LOrax, so not to many commercials for me.
