Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kid Talk

While I was always happy to have my babies grow into good-sleeping, self-feeding, non-tantrum-throwing individuals, one thing that made me sad as they grew was the gradual disappearance of kid words.  Words like “liberry,” “frigilador,” and “livening room” and “chicken pops” made me smile every time I heard them and I always felt a prick of sadness when I noticed that they had been replaced by the correct word.

I decided this week that the antidote to that sorrow is to spend more time driving across the country with my kids.  They have said things that made me laugh more than I could imagine and that I am still smiling about.  These days I have to record them really quick or I forget what was said, so I usually grab my cell phone and send a text to my email containing the funny comments.  Here are two from our last day of traveling:

We were listening to the first book in “The Work and the Glory” series.  The kids are pretty traumatized that when the girl in the story finds out that her fiance has joined the Joseph Smith’s church, she tells him that she will have to break off their engagement because her parents would cut her out of their lives if she married someone who associated with Joseph Smith.

Jared:  I’d give up my parents, no offense.


Later Rachel was protesting when she was blamed for something. 

Rachel:  It’s not my fart!!!

(which is quickly on it’s way to becoming our new favorite thing to say to each other!)

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