Sunday, August 21, 2011

Individual Journeys


I went to Education Week for 2 1/2 days.  (Not nearly long enough.)  One of my sisters was there for a day and a half, and one of my friends was there for two of the days.

We rarely went to classes together.  We texted back and forth the whole time, inquiring to see where each was headed next, rejoicing at the end of a fabulous class experience.  But it was not very often that we actually went to the same class.

I prayed every morning that I would be led to the classes that would be of most benefit to me, and there were definitely subjects that caught my interest when I looked through the schedule.  They were classes on hearing the Spirit/receiving personal revelation, classes on parenting, and classes on teaching.  My friend had an entirely different set of classes that appealed to her; each time she told me the title of a class she was thinking of going to I could see how applicable that class would be in her life.  My sister went to yet another type of classes looking for help with recent concerns in her life.

Wow, I thought.  We three are nothing alike.  We each needed something so different and so very specific.  It made me realize again how completely individual each of our mortal journeys are.  Even when life circumstances may look similar (my sister and I are both moms with a lot of kids, for instance) the experiences we are having in this moment are unique.

I was so grateful to BYU for offering such a wide variety of excellent classes.  And for the knowledge that our Heavenly Father has tailored specific life experiences for each of us, and is always there to provide the individual and customized support that we each need.  Both during and after education week…


  1. That's it- I'm REALLY going next year! So glad you had a good time. I have a humming bird tip that I need to call you about!

  2. "I went to Education Weed for 2 1/2 days."

    I always wondered what made that week different.
