Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Of Caterpillars and Butterflies

 (I used a picture of a butterfly instead of a caterpillar because it's just so much prettier!)

When I saw that Katie had asked if I could make an analogy about caterpillars, at first I thought not.  I thought, "well no, caterpillars certainly wouldn't be a gospel analogy."  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that caterpillars, though I personally may find them unattractive, could definitely help point my mind and heart to Christ.

First, as my sister in law Emily pointed out, the caterpillar -> butterfly transformation demonstrates in a remarkable way the complexity and beauty of our created world, which always fills my heart with gratitude to both our Heavenly Father and the Savior.

Next, the life stages of the caterpillar helps me remember that my time here is also temporary.  Maybe a caterpillar feels like that life is all that there is, as he crawls around and eats lives as quickly as possible.  But really, it's just a temporary stage, with unimaginable (to a caterpillar) glory and beauty just around the corner.

Last, I can hope that just as the caterpillar will leave behind the less attractive body to emerge a beautiful butterfly, after this life I too will shed some of my bulky layers (physically and metaphorically, hopefully!) and emerge in my true form. 

Who knew we had so much to learn from the caterpillar?!?


  1. I was thinking that the caterpillar/butterfly analogy works great for me-- as we follow Christ, repent, and seek to be like Him, we are literally changed into new people.

  2. Did you take that picture? You're getting REALLY good, Cindy! I'm a total analogy-sap, too. My families have gotten to the point where they roll their eyes every time I say "It's kind of like...." (But I know they secretly like it!) I love analogies - - - they really speak to my heart to a depth nothing else can.
