Friday, March 5, 2010

What Did Your Purse Get For Christmas???

For about 2 months I have felt like my brain has gone AWOL.  First there was all of the fun and excitement and fatigue of Cindy Lynn & Mahon's post-Christmas visit.  Then there was the sinus infection that started about the same time.  And on top of everything else, a couple of months ago the manufacturer of my thyroid medicine changed the fillers in the medication and didn't think it was a big deal---well it has been a huge deal to my body.

Last week I finally gave in and went to the doctor to get an antibiotic and a different kind of thyroid medicine.  I felt worse for the next few days, but I finally feel like I might survive and that my brain might return.

In the next few weeks I'm going to try doing some catching up posts from things from 2009 that I never got around to.  Maybe in 2010 I'll be more on top of things.  But probably not!


Because Cindy Lynn and Mahon came to visit the day after Christmas I never really blogged about Christmas.  I wanted to at least tell you about what I got for Christmas.  Or rather, what my purse got for Christmas.

Yep--a tiny pink camera.  For a long time now I have wished that I had a camera that was small enough to take with me wherever I went.  My regular camera isn't as big as a digital SLR, but it's still not going to fit comfortably in my purse.  I knew that getting a second camera wasn't the smartest financial decision ever, but I figured that if I used all of my birthday and Christmas money towards it then I felt ok about it.

I have loved having a camera in my purse.  Because of my new toy I can take pictures of anything that catches my eye.

Like this cool car.

Or this really odd advertising person.

I can take pictures when I'm at the temple

and when I'm at the fabric store.

I used to see these window stickers on the back of minivans with stick-figure families on them.  I always laughed at them because they usually had a dad, a mom, and one or two children.  I wondered how our family would translate to a window sticker.  Well now I know (pretty close, anyway) and thanks to the purse camera so can you!  (I know you're delighted.)
The purse camera also comes in handy when I see beautiful flowers in Costco and am seized with  the desire to buy a bouquet and take them home with me so that I can spend the day taking pictures of them.  It was not a moment to spend an extra $15 on flowers, and so being able to take a picture while there eased the pain of not buying.  (No, I do not know what the other shoppers were thinking.  I was trying to be discreet!)

Lastly, having a purse cam allowed me to record this crime against Nature.  Every time I drive by this house I wonder what on earth these people are thinking?!?

Well that's all for now--I'm off to sew now.  Have a great Friday!


  1. I have a camera that fits in my purse. It is very handy, but I don't think I get nearly the mileage out of mine as you do! {And mine is my only camera, too. =)}

  2. We have one of those that has been dropped a few times, it is not happy with me. But it still works. We bought another wee camera with our Christmas money and it happens to be living in my purse right now. I forget it is there though (I know this is an abomination!). I wish I would think to take those kind of pictures.

  3. I think it would be so funny to get about 20 window sticker people and put them on the back of our van, just for kicks. Imagine the looks we would get!

  4. I love the "odd advertising person". Thanks for taking me along!

    BTW, I've always thought it would be a riot to get a bunch of those "Marriage=Man+Woman" bumper stickers and cut the +Woman part off a bunch of them and line them up on my bumper so they say, "Marriage=Man+Woman+Woman+Woman+.."

    Just to start a row, you understand. Not because I think having another woman around here would be pretty nice sometimes...

  5. I am amazed at what great pictures you get with your point and shoot. Mine come out horrible. I hate the small camera I have. I love that I can take it anywhere but the pictures, especially inside, are horrible. I love the fabric picture.

    Do you use a photo program or are all your pictures "natural"? Just curious.

  6. That is one thick hedge! And which one of your kids is the dog? I was so glad Lindsay had her "purse camera" on our trip since I never remember things like that.
