Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm a Little Like Voldemort

I love my home. I love my house, my neighborhood, and the drive to my neighborhood. I love my ward and most especially my wonderful fabulous friends in my ward who have been our family for so many years.

But I sure have a hard time leaving Utah.

I know from past experience that once I get home I'll be ok. My life is busy and full, and I know that in a short time I will be able to celebrate the happy experiences I've just had.

But the process of leaving gets me every time.

When I leave Utah I leave:
  • my sweet daughter, who may be 21 now but is still my baby
  • the sister who looks enough like me that her babies are confused
  • my dad, who rescued me over and over again on this trip
  • brothers who I never have very much time with
  • a cousin who shares her talents with me so generously
  • the friend who helps me work through my most difficult issues
  • the sister who looks so much like my mother
  • a step mother with a freezer full of ice cream bars to treat my kids
  • my brother's wives that I wish I had time to get to know better
  • in laws who raised the nicest kids in the world
  • friends who used to be a necessary part of our daily lives
  • more aunts and uncles and cousins that I can even count
  • Russ's sisters, who we love to hang out with
  • dozens of adorable nieces and nephews
  • children that I love almost as much as my own

On the one hand I am thrilled to have so many people to love and to be loved by. On the other hand, I hate saying goodbye. Every time I go for a visit I feel like I am having to tear away pieces of my heart in order to leave.

And so, dear reader, if you find an object sitting around your house that you don't remember seeing before, don't be so quick to throw it away. It might just be the hiding place for a piece of my heart, trying to stay with you a little longer...


  1. I hate good-byes, too. Especially when you know it will be too long before you can return. Wouldn't it be great if we could apparate?! =)

  2. we were SOOO sad we missed you. We were so close :(

  3. Hey... aren't you supposed to unprivate your blog again now??

  4. On behalf of your friends here, we are VERY glad to have you back! But I do know that feeling and it stinks.
