Sunday, October 21, 2012

A moment in my life…

I was thinking about my kids as I started working on a blurb book again last night.

[Note to self:  It would be better not to start a blurb book again without figuring out the font first, since fonts change everything.  It would be better not to start a blurb book and get 90+ pages done and then put the project down for 3-4 months.  (Though driving across the entire United States and then back and then moving is a good excuse if there ever was one.)  And lastly, it would be better if you could just relax and go with the font flow, whichever font that means, just a little better.]

Anyway, back to what I was thinking about.  I was thinking that as my kids read these books (and Cindy Lynn’s blurb books too) they’re getting reminders of the things that have happened in their lives, but they’re also getting little windows of insight into my life (and Cindy Lynn’s) that they might not have gotten otherwise.

It made me think again about the kinds of things I blog about, and why I blog, and all sorts of questions like that.

And in that spirit, here I go.  So my children get a peek into a few different moments of my life that happened today.

Today was the primary program.  It made me emotional, which I didn’t expect.  I think it was the combined effect of my own children having aged out of primary (couldn’t they have waited until after the program to do that??) and a feeling of sadness about not being involved in primary music anymore.  (Because I can still love primary music passionately, even if it’s not my calling right now.)  The program went well.  My favorite parts; the 5 year old who throughout the program became enamored with her own voice, singing increasingly louder with each verse of each song, and holding out her ending notes much longer than everyone else,  (I’m certain I heard laughter from the congregation) and the little Sunbeam who said “Heavenly Father lub us.”  (Beyond precious.)

I went then to class with my co-teacher, an awesome woman who’s just returned from a mission with her husband and has been a little overwhelmed by the antics of our 9 year old primary students.  I had reassured her that since her last frustrating lesson I had read them the reverence riot act and that I would be there to help remind them what behavior was acceptable.  She was teaching a great lesson on prayer, the kids were super involved, and wham.

In less than 30 seconds I went from “fine” to “my stomach hurts so bad I think I might die.”  I’m not sure if I’ve ever had something like that happen to me before, but since I was fortunate enough to have a set of keys with me (unusual for a Sunday) and we are fortunate enough to live only 90 seconds from the church I drove myself home and spent the rest of church time alternating between laying in fetal position on the bathroom floor and throwing up. 

It was not my finest moment. (Or couple of hours.)

Eventually the acute pain eased up a little bit and I moved myself in onto my bed, got a heating pad for my stomach (it just seemed like that would feel good), and laid under my favorite blanket for a couple more hours.  Russ went to 7-11 and bought me a coke and the girls brought me crackers. 

So there you have it.  It’s been a day.  And I’m glad they’re not all like this…

1 comment:

  1. Man!!! What on earth was it? That is crazy. And sorry you've been feeling so miserable! :(
