Monday, July 30, 2012

A Hot Time in the Old Town and Other Random Thoughts

After having the coldest air conditioning known to mankind for the last 18 months, my van’s a/c decided to start having problems yesterday afternoon…in the middle of a 105 degree Kansas afternoon.  It didn’t give up the ghost altogether, for which I am grateful.  Instead it cycled every 60-90 minutes between frigid and not-working-at-all.  And since my range of comfort goes from about 76 degrees to 76.5 degrees, I was never comfortable.  We are hoping that my mechanic brother Sam is right and the addition of a bottle of refrigerant will be all we need to continue travelling in (cool) style.

My internet-less life continues, making it difficult to blog or keep up with my games of Words with Friends.  Last night we slept in our hot-wired Hilton in Kansas City, and as we learned on spring break, $$$ hotels rarely have free internet.  This morning I am sitting in the lobby so that I can use the free wifi to write a letter to my missionary boy.  And complain on my blog, of course.

I also wanted to mention how relieved I am that the beach volleyball teams aren’t being required to wear bikinis in the olympics this year.  (Brr…) I only know that because it was on a tv at Little America when we stopped for our 50 cent ice cream cones, which sadly were only available in vanilla this year.  We also watched a bit of the swimming and women’s gymnastics at a truck stop Wendy’s last night.  It was kind of cool—everyone in the restaurant facing the tv on the wall, mesmerized by the olympics.  Probably the first time I’ve ever felt solidarity in a crowd of strangers in a Wendys.

And finally, a picture for you before I hit the road for the long drive to Kentucky.  Cindy Lynn found this one for you, but I think I’ve lost the link…


1 comment:

  1. Love the shirt:). And AMEN to the beach VB comment!!!!! That always bothers me SO much. I think it's because men can watch it and pretend like they're interested in the game, but really, how can you not ogle those perfect bodies? Not that my poor husband has probably ever watched a game of beach volleyball in his life (or would), but it's the concept that bothers me!
