Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Note to Self

Next fall, before the cold comes to stay, deal with the plants.  All of them. 

February 2011 164

Because the truth of the matter is, once it’s cold outside, nothing else is happening.  NOTHING!

And you’ll be really tired of looking at those dead plants before spring comes again…

February 2011 165


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my word. I couldn't agree more. The front of my apartment looks extra ghetto because of my very dead mandevilla and other plants. My few pansies with color on them are definitely the odd ones out!

    Sorry, I didn't realize that Clark was signed in on that earlier one...

  3. What are you supposed to do with them? I am so sick of this long winter! I'm ready for spring and a baby....
