Monday, February 28, 2011

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

February 2011 399

I was rearranging and cleaning out my sewing room last week.  (AKA the “playroom,” but let’s be honest—I’m the one playing up there the most!)  I found this handful of buttons, each in it’s tiny ziploc bag.  Do you recognize what they are? 



You’re right if you guessed that they’re from clothes I’ve bought over the last couple of years.  Clothes used to have a spare button or two sewn into them somewhere, often into the hem or the side seam.  Now they just come dangling in their little ziploc with the tags.  I dutifully take them off and set them aside for that moment when I need a new button…and as you can see, rarely use them.


So what do you do with yours?  Do you keep them and end up using them?  Throw them away??  Make button crafts???


  1. I hang onto them and use them for crafts -- crayon roll closures (w/ elastic loops) or crocheted flower centers are 2 projects I've done recently. I've also donated a bunch of them for a RS humanitarian project. I don't know that I've ever used them for mending the original clothing item. =) {I also cut the buttons off clothes that are worn out and getting thrown away. I store matching buttons in those tiny baggies since they're the perfect size. =)}

  2. I hang on to them for crafts or for when I need a spare button.

  3. I save them in my sock drawer, and even though I've never once used one, it makes me feel responsible to have them there:).

  4. As one who sews, isn't it terrible that I'd almost rather throw that little spare button away -- and the button missing shirt I probably bought for ten dollars -- than to actually take the time to sew on a button?
