Thursday, September 22, 2011

Help! My Cookbook Runneth Over!

I really love cooking blogs on the internet.  And  And all of the other hundreds of cooking sites.  Really—it’s amazing!  But I’m having this problem.  I have pages and pages of printed out recipes that I like.  I started putting them in page protectors in a notebook, but there are too many.  My notebook is full and there are still recipes left!


So—my question today is, how do you deal with recipes from the internet? Do you print them all out?  How do you organize them then?

Or do you never print them out and then just carry your computer into the kitchen?  If you do that, how do you keep track of them on your computer?

Please give me suggestions!


  1. Lindsay has a good system she shared with me, but I modified it. She has a notebook for recipes she wants to try, and a box for keepers. She doesn't make transfers lightly. I don't like having to write them out twice, so I just print/rip/photocopy and stuff them in a binder until I designate them a keeper. Also, are you on pinterest? It's incredible for keeping recipes organized that you found online.

  2. Katie, I like that idea! I keep my online recipes organized in bookmark folders, but I like the "try" and "keeper" idea....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I ran into the exact same problem! I just started a new system so I can't tell you if it is fool proof or not.

    First, I went through my notebook and pulled anything I hadn't tried yet and put those in a folder. Then I set up a bookmark folder on my computer for any new recipes. Once I try a new recipe, if I like it, it gets to be in the notebook. If it's bad, I delete or thrown away the recipe. I am planning on getting a new notebook because I tend to print out a lot of desserts :)
    I have been able to get through quite a few recipes since I try a new recipe at least once a week. So, so far so good.

  5. My system is actually pretty similar to Maria's. My only problem is that I sometimes forget about recipes I haven't tried if I only have them online... so I might try Lindsay's version instead.

  6. I have an old mailing box that I cut (to look like a magazine holder) in which I keep file folders organized by category. It's on my cookbook shelf. But I also use Pinterest {Highly Recommend it -- I'll invite you!}, and I copy and paste a lot of recipes into Word files and then save them into a Recipe file organized into subfiles by category.

    When I'm trying a new recipe, I do a lot of running back and forth to the computer. =D {or sometimes I'll jot down the basics onto a scratch paper. I rarely print it off unless I'm pretty sure I want to keep it.

  7. I feel so included. :) I was coming here to share, but I guess I don't need to! I feel like so much of life is hearing and tweaking different 'systems' to make your life easier, and I must say that this recipe system I've been doing for a while is perfect for us. Now I have my recipe box that is full of our favorite dishes for weeks/days when I don't feel like trying something new (or when we're having people over), and then my notebook always has a few new recipes in it ready to be tested out.

    Good luck finding what works for you!
