Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Year's Strategery #1

I'm sure that for the average Mormon who makes New Year's resolutions, "read the scriptures" in some form is one of their top 3 resolutions every year. I am definitely one of those Mormons.

Scripture study is a perplexing thing to me. No single thing that I do is more likely to improve my days, help me live closer to the spirit, and give me the answers that I need. And yet no single thing is consistently harder to fit into my life. Or harder to sustain. I can be on a scripture studying streak like I've never experienced before--and then one day with almost no explanation at all it's over and I struggle to start the habit again.

And so I re-instituted a little scripture study crutch. For some reason I never forget to check my e-mail. So I made myself a little rule that I'm not allowed to turn on the computer before I've had my time with the Lord. I must confess that some days I cheat a little if I feel like there is something I just have to do, but I feel so much guilt and it weighs on my mind until I get back to my scriptures. Which means that either way it's working for me!


  1. I am one of those mormons too. I have no idea why it's so difficult for me to keep my reading up. I enjoy it and gain from it. Great idea with the email thing.

  2. I should try your plan... or else set up an automatic email that asks me everyday if I've read my scriptures yet. {That's what I thought you were going to say your new strategy was. :D}

  3. Megan--I'm sure if I did the automatic e-mail I would have a hard time pulling myself away and then having a quality study's hard enough this way!

  4. Keep up the good work! I am writing a memory a day and plan to have it bound at the end of the year! So far-so good!

  5. Kathy--that is such a fun plan! I'll have to remember that one!

  6. I have made myself a hard and fast rule that I am not allowed to do ANYTHING during my morning therapy EXCEPT MY SCRIPTURES. Which means that my handwriting in my journal is wobbly (from the Vest) but it has been good so far.
