Friday, June 5, 2009

Rachel's Shiner Update

I'm not sure we've ever had a black eye quite this colorful at our house. Here are pictures from every day, starting with the first picture again.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

True confession: A very chatty nurse at the pool saw Rachel's eye yesterday. She was horrified and asked immediately "Did you get that checked? Is her vision ok? No fracturing of the sub-orbital bones?"

To which I immediately replied, "Um, yes, everything is fine!"

(Do people truly take their kids to the doctor when they get a black eye?)

I did make her cover her other eye and read all of the for sale signs on the way home so that I knew her eye was working ok...


  1. Oh my word! What a bruise!!! And I'm LOLing about the nurse....

  2. Wow! That's pretty impressive!!

  3. Maybe I'll bring my kids to the computer to show them this post when they start wrestling & playing rough. :D That looks so painful!
