Thursday, June 25, 2009

May I See Your Vacation Photos Please?

As I mentioned before, we took a trip to the Florida Keys last week with our dear friends to celebrate their daughter's graduation.

We left as soon as Rachel & Jenna were done singing in the talent show and drove to Savannah that night. The next day we got up, ate, and were on the road again.

One of the (many) fun things about traveling with friends is that the traveling arrangements can have so many different configurations.

Because we have a dvd player in our van and a power inverter (used to be for Cindy Lynn's nebulizers, now very helpful for kids wanting to be entertained by playstation or game cube while traveling!) we got the younger kids. (I guess I should also say that we got the younger kids because 5/6 of the younger kids belong to us!)

Ken and Alisyn got the teenagers.

We did feel a little bit gypped when we heard that the teenagers slept most of the time. Although I did insist on a nap in our car too.

When things got really crazy in our car Russ & I joked that we were going to drive this car on our next vacation.

It even had a checkerboard painted on the top of it!


  1. What fun memories you're building! Someday we want to take a cross-country road trip to visit family/friends in NY & DC. Do you have any tips from your pre-DVD days?

  2. Megan--we didn't have the dvd player until the triplets were about 2. We did borrow a small tv/vcr combo for our 3 hr drive to the beach the year that they were one, though. But with my older kids we drove all over the place and did just fine. We're big believers in car treats--lots of stuff that I never buy at home. And we've listened to some fun books on tape over the years too. I also think that personal dvd players are pretty inexpensive now so that's another alternative...

  3. audiobooks & car treats sound great to me! Any suggestions for top fav treats?
