Sunday, March 11, 2012

I’m looking for encouragement in all the wrong places…

Have I mentioned lately that I am overwhelmed?  I may not have told you, but I’m sure that I haven’t stopped telling Russ.  Every day he reassures me that I will, indeed, be able to get through this.  That I will eventually have all of the trim painted, all of the things checked off of my to-do list.  Talking to Russ and getting a good night’s sleep (preferably not interrupted by an hour of coughing) always help me feel better.

Yesterday Ann came over to pick up a book.  When I started coughing and grabbed another cough drop she asked, “oh, are those the cough drops with the little sayings on them?”  I had no idea what she was talking about, so I grabbed one and looked at it.

Who knew?  Who knew that I had been missing out on


brought to me by the fine folks at Halls.

So from here on out when I’m sucking furiously on my latest cough drop, I’ll also be savoring the tiny (slightly wrinkled) messages of hope on the wrappers. 



Maybe that will be enough to get me through this next week!


PS—my list is actually not a “to-do” list, it’s a “ta-da” list.  I needed a place to keep track of all of the lists in my head, and this is working great!


  1. I love those - - - it had been years since I bought cough drops, but this last time I did I noticed how quiet the wrappers were (brilliant...because usually the reason I need a cough drop is because I'm in a place where I would disturb others by coughing. Or unwrapping a wrapper) and how refreshing those little pep talks were. Glad to hear they're giving you a little encouragement. :)
