Monday, June 6, 2011

Chasing the Greased Pig: Pre-Trip Escape

Just in case you’ve forgotten the greased pig reference:
“True love doesn’t follow you like a little puppy that is constantly there. It’s actually more like a greased pig! You have to chase after it and pursue it. You have to run it down and tackle it and when it gets away, you go after it one more time. You may finally get a hold of it for a while, but then the little rascal can slip away and you have to chase it down again.”

I realized that before I can blog about going to Utah I need to blog about a few things that happened before that trip.

The best one was definitely our Escape to the beach.

June 2011 031

I was only home for a few weeks in between going to Utah to help Laila with her new babies and leaving for our summer vacation to Utah, and I thought that Russ & I needed some quality time together before I left again. One weekend we farmed out our kids and took off to Topsail Island. We found a small condo right on the beach and we loved it.

June 2011 020

It had a great view, was comfortable,

June 2011 142

and had the smallest kitchen I’ve ever seen. Truly. It was almost impossible to load the dishwasher.

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We were so boring and so happy; Russ cooked great food, we watched a bit of tv, we sat on the beach and read, and we played in the ocean.

June 2011 029

Even though it was early in the summer the water was nice and we had a great time boogie boarding and body surfing. We also did a lot of people watching. I thought this guy looked like he pretty much had life figured out.

June 2011 033

We took a long walk and saw the biggest sand castle we’d ever seen—the builder said that he had spent 3 days building it, and that he had sprayed it with water with glue in it to preserve the details. It had bricks etched into it, stairs everywhere, it was amazing. Unfortunately it was too bright to get a good picture of it—turns out that sand against sand doesn’t offer much contrast!

June 2011 038 bJune 2011 039

We’d planned a couple of different meals but we ended up eating fajitas both days. That trip was definitely where our current obsession with fajitas started—we ate so such a big late lunch both days that we never did eat any dinner!

At the end of the weekend we felt like we had recovered from my long trip and were at least a little ready to be apart again…

June 2011 113 b

ps…every time I ask a passing stranger to take a picture of us together I feel a bit foolish. but then every time I look through pictures like this and there are no pictures of us together, I feel more than a bit sad…so next time, strangers, look out!


  1. Was that on the far north end of the island. I keep seeing that low hotel-looking building off in the distance when I go running, but can never make it close enough to see what it is...

  2. Yes, farther north then you are right now but not all the way to the end of the island.

  3. What a cool trip! That totally looks like my kitchen, though!
