Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unexpected Volunteer

We often have little weeds growing in the little space between the driveway and the garage.

June 2010 347

I was a little surprised to see what’s growing there this year!

June 2010 348


  1. Cindy Lynn--it's a "volunteer" tomato plant!

  2. That is a really unexpected volunteer! Recognized it right away!

  3. Holy cow... of all the places for a tomato to grow. I recognized it too, but had to click over just to make sure I was right. Are you going to leave it there?

  4. OK - that is what I was thinking, just had to check...

  5. Last year I had a cherry tomato plant in the pot in between the two garage doors--so I assume that one must have fallen off & left some seeds in the crack there! I don't think I'll leave it--but it makes me sad to pull it up!
