Sunday, June 13, 2010


When Cindy Lynn was young we studied Latin roots.  We learned the meaning of each root and then combined it with other roots to make words we commonly use every day. 

One of my favorite words was made from the roots photo (light) and trop (turn, change). Phototropic means:
growing or moving in response to light.

The plants in my garden are phototropic.  This morning when I went outside the sun was still low in the eastern sky.  I knew that the sunflower plants would be leaning  towards the sun, but I was surprised to see that the squash plants were too.  They will follow the track of the sun throughout the day, always oriented towards it’s position.

June 2010 441_picnik

As I drove away from the house I envied the plants and their automatic phototropism.  I wish it were that easy for me; a physical reaction from my DNA. 

Instead, I have to remember, over and over again, that I want to orient myself towards the Son.  I have to consciously remember that if I don’t make the “best” choices with my time, other “good” things will fill my life, leaving little or no time to turn towards the Son.

In retrospect, I think the positioning of my garden at the end of the driveway was a great choice.  Not just for the benefit of the garden, though it’s proximity to my life and line of vision will help me take better care of it.

What I didn’t realize that it would also be a blessing to me; that every time I walked out of the house, I would see the example of my plants, reminding me to turn towards the Son.


  1. My plants all do that too - in fact my tiny basil plants tip over so far that they look like they're about to fall on their heads. Beautiful metahpor..
