Wednesday, November 25, 2009

11/25: Walking Without Pain

This fall I've been unable to walk much, thanks to some ongoing aggressive treatment of a lovely wart on the ball of one foot. At one point it hurt to walk for three weeks straight, and several days were excruciating.

It was the perfect example of the quote that I used as my inspiration for this month's blog posts:
"If God were to take from me all those persons and things for which I have not given thanks, who or what would be left of me?"
When do I ever think to give thanks for the ability to walk? How often am I grateful that it doesn't hurt to stand on my feet? Almost never; but I have seen (and felt) repeatedly this fall what a blessing feet that work are.

This morning I walked for an hour and a half. It felt wonderful to feel my body working as it should.

Thank heavens for feet (and other body parts) that work without pain...


  1. Yep...I know someone close to me who has been challenged with this type of stuff...many days, months, years of pain...and, how thankful we are for modern meds that can help make that bearable. To get out of bed and think, hey...I can do something today! I'm so glad your foot "stuff" is under control...sometimes, little (or seemingly little) blessings are the BEST! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh Mindy--I forgot you really do know what I'm talking about. Wow--I cannot imagine months and years...

  3. There are so many things that we take for granted until they stop working. I'm glad your foot is starting to feel better. =)
